Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wings for Julie

I've never been big on holidays. I'll celebrate them because they can be important to the people around me, but I don't get excited about them, it's just usually a process of going through the motions. There is one holiday that is special to me, however, Mother's Day, because of what it represents, obviously appreciation for my mom.

Who just happens to be the most important person in my life, my role model, and the reason I am who I am today (at least the good aspects). Of course there is nothing that I could do for her on this particular day to show the amount of love and appreciation that I have for her (plus make up for all the grief I'm sure I've caused), but I suppose it's the thought that counts. And though I unfortunately tend to take her for granted and lose track of the things that really matter in the fast-paced nonsense of everyday life, I'm glad there is a day that forces me to take a step back and realize how truly blessed that I am.

So on this Mother's Day do yourself a favor and tell the woman that gave you life how much she means to you, because you never know when you might lose her. And if you happen to be one of the unfortunate ones that that no longer has their mom, do something special in her honor, and let the people who you still have know how much they mean to you. Seize the opportunity to leave no regrets.