Friday, February 16, 2007

"Get on the ground, pervert!"

People are screwed up. Not that this wasn't already common knowledge, but after watching Dateline's "To Catch a Predator" series, I'm now positive people are really, really ****ed up. The series takes an in-depth look at the work of Perverted Justice, an organization that sets-up sting operations to catch pedophiles. The gist is that the group goes into online chatrooms posing as underage youths and waits for degenerates to try to court and solicit them. The final step is making plans for the pedophile to come and meet their new friend in person. Once they arrive, that is when the hilarity ensues.

I say hilarity only because I never ceased to be amazed by how pathetic people can truly be and there's something amusing about watching a miscreant go from absolute elation to sheer horror in mere moments. Like someone grabbing an old lady's person and as soon as the thief turns around to run, getting a sledgehammer slammed into their package. I don't even want to imagine what is going through one of these guys' (it's almost always grimy, middle-aged men predictably enough) minds when they are driving to meet the 13 yr. old kid they have been talking to. Unfortunately, it's hard not to when the police find things like condoms and "sexual enhancers" on these derelicts. Of course once caught, they almost always claim they wouldn’t have had the nerve to actually do anything. Really? Then how come you had the nerve to drive all the way over to some strange house, and are now standing in it while being broadcast on national television, scumbag?

And nothing beats the moment these guys get caught. It's such a brilliant set-up. A kid actor meets the freak at the door and leads them into the house, at which point Dateline's host, Chris Hansen, pops out and basically says, "Gotcha you sick bastard!". It's amazing, the whole sting takes place at one house and hour after hour, these degenerates keep showing up and getting caught. If not completely freaked out already and jetting for the door upon seeing Hansen, he tries to ask the perpetrator questions to better understand their mentalities. "So, yeah, what in the flying **** is wrong with you?"

You have to admire the naivety of the guys who go through the whole spiel of admitting what they did was absolutely despicable to Hansen, and then offer their thanks for helping them realize the error of their ways before saying they will never do this again. Basically thinking this is just some Dateline investigation, but as soon as they leave the house...BAM...the police are using their faces as a garden tool. Of course once they are in custody, they act like they have no idea what is going on and why they were arrested. Then out come the records of every chatroom conversation they had with the "kid". Being grilled by cops and having them read the stuff I wrote back to me would have me so sick and embarrassed I would blown my brains out right then and there. Fortunately, I will never face this predicament because I'm not a flaming sack of feces. One guy actually said he was joking when he typed the things he did and he always makes jokes like that. Wow guy, you're a pedophile and an idiot.

That wasn't even the best excuse one of these lowlifes gave. This is no joke, one guy actually tried to claim he wasn't going to do anything with the girl and was waiting for her mom to come home so he could warn her about people like him. Except according to him, he was one of the good guys, and it's a good thing to, because who knows what could have potentially happened to the little girl. And I guess it's also a good thing the police found that lubricant in your pocket you sick son of a *****.

But nothing, and I mean nothing, can top the guy who got arrested with Dateline's cameras rolling. Twice. In one freaking week. The guy got busted, posted bail, and then goes and does the exact same thing AGAIN. How much of a mental midget do you have to be for that to happen? Is there anyone in their right mind that can now tell me that anyone who is convicted of being a pedophile shouldn’t receive the death penalty? Evidence has proven time and time again that is no rehabbing these sadists and the recidivism rate is astronomical. They need to be lined up and shot one by one executioner style. An inhumane punishment, sure, but we're talking about inhumane monsters. Is there any sector of society more vile than pedophiles? The most depressing thing is that a lot of the time these guys have a wife and kids.

I have no idea what creates a pedophile, but I sure as heck know their disease is only furthered by the ills of internet. How easy it is to obtain child porn smut and find chats to try and lure innocent little kids into their worlds of perversion. Suddenly I’m all for just demolishing this whole internet thing, thanks a lot Al Gore. Besides my blog, what good is really coming of it? The only positive of this situation is that there are people are doing something about it, and programs like “To Catch a Predator” help educate parents. But you have to wonder for every sleazeball that is caught, how many out there are getting away with it?

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