Sunday, February 25, 2007

Quart-life Crisis

Today I’m 25. Save the “Happy Birthdays!”, there’s nothing happy about it. Thing is, I just realized I’m a loser. Sure, you could point to the fact that I’m sexy, intelligent, ripped, and have one of top 1,000 blogs, in the state of Ohio at least, and say I have a lot going for me. The only problem is I’m not going anywhere. I’m stuck in a dead-end job, I’m single, and I haven’t accomplished anything or contributed to the betterment of society. And it doesn’t help when I currently have about as much ambition as an 87 yr. old man has sex drive. I mean what have I been doing for the last 25 years? Apparently not anything worthwhile.

The worst thing is when you can’t even remember certain years of your life, and I’ve never been on drugs or alcohol. Like I barely remember anything from year 23. It’s understandable since everyday was basically the same as the last that year, pointless. Though I’ll concede there was one highlight, it was the year I graduated from college. Of course that turned out really well, here I am now working a crappy job with no future.

If I could only go back to year 18, the year I graduated from high school. A wide-eyed kid with the world at his fingertips and big aspirations of doing something important and making the world a better place. Unfortunately, I had no clue what that actually meant, so I went off to college like a good lad hoping I would find the answer. I put my time in, made good grades, and left with the world at my fingertips and big aspirations of doing something important and making the world a better place.

Man, what the #@^&! Who am I kidding though, I would have done the same thing again. It’s just that life would be so much better, if it was so much better. If things could ever make sense. I suppose life is what you make it though. Or maybe not.

I mean look at Britney Spears. She had world recognition, every straight male over 13 in love with her, and more paper than Mead. Yet, she ended up marrying an albino rat, popped out some kids, got divorced and now she’s breaking out of rehab, getting tatted up, and shaving her head. Thug life or quart-life crisis? At least when famous people breakdown, everyone gets to see them look really freakin’ crazy. Would anyone care if I got caught not wearing drawers in public? Man, it’s so lonely being me.

If it can happen to Britney though, well, is anyone immune? So maybe this is just something everyone goes through around this age and I’m just overreacting. Who knows? What I do know is that today is the day I take the initiative and work towards building a better tomorrow for everyone. Actually, I’m going to start tomorrow because I’m dead tired after having to work 12 hours today, did I happen to mention it’s my FRICKIN’ birthday.

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